- How can reading be a hobby? 读书怎么会是爱好呢?
- Can reading be a hobby? 读书是爱好吗?
- How can there be a cherry that has no stone? 一个樱桃怎能没有核?
- As a man, how can you be a sissy? 一个男孩子,怎么能女里女气的呢?
- How can you be a hero if you are unarmed? 你就这样赤手空拳的,怎么当英雄啊?
- So how can we avoid being a snoring nuisance? 所以要如何才能避免成为一个会打鼾的讨厌家伙呢?
- Fishing has been a hobby of mine since I was a boy. 我从小就喜欢钓鱼。
- How can I climb up that wall! I wish I were a bird! 我怎么能够爬得上那堵墙?我要是一只鸟就好了!
- How can anybody say that I am a wuss? 人们怎么可以说我是一个软弱无用的人?
- While, how can i say am a completist? 那么我又凭什么说自己是个完美主义者呢?
- How can you be excused for such a silly reason? 你怎么会因为如此可笑的借口而得到原谅呢?
- The last book I read was a real page turner. 上本书我看得特别的快。
- How can he be a judge if he can't distinguish right from? 如果他不能明辨是非,怎么能当法官呢?
- How can this be a true story? I can't believe this is happening. 这怎会是个真实故事?我无法相信它真的发生。
- How can you be a teacher? You make such a low salary. 你怎么会去做老师?你的工资是如此低。
- Justify: v. Give or be a good reason for How can you justify? 你怎么对你的无礼行为作出令人满意的解释呢?
- I don't know how you can read such filth. 我不知道你怎么会看这种猥亵的读物。
- It sounds like fun to be a participant. How can I be one? 作为一个参与者听起来好象很有趣,我如何可成为其中一员?
- It will be a free app and now you can read our how-tos and improve yourself while commuting. 这将是一个免费的应用程序,现在您可以阅读我们的说明,以便在交换时提高自己的应用水平。
- None of these readings are a blip. 这些数据都不是短暂现象。